Welcome to the on-line home of First Baptist Church of Brandenburg, Kentucky.
We encourage you to explore the site. Whether you’re looking for a church home in the Brandenburg area, or looking for additional opportunities to worship, learn, grow, and serve, we invite you to join us for Worship on Sundays at 9 AM or 11 AM.
We also stream our 11 AM Worship on our Facebook Page.
How do you
become a Christian?
It’s as simple as
Watch this video and find out. Reach out to us if you
need more information.
We would love for you
to join us in worship.
Deacon of the Week
February 9 – 15
John Mark Pollock
John Mark Pollock

Monthly Collection Items
We have bins in the side foyer, near the office, to receive your donations
for Operation Christmas Child and the Meade County Food Pantry.