Special Needs Adult Ministry
Kristin Hibbard, Director of Special Needs Ministries
This is a ministry designed to support adults with disabilities in ways that allow them to be included in church activities and to allow us to share the Gospel with them and their families. This ministry is a great outreach and witness to our community to help meet the spiritual and social needs of adults with disabilities in our area.
This group meets for monthly events and also weekly for Sunday morning bible study. We also have a parent/guardian group that meets periodically.
Please contact us for more information or if you would like to volunteer.
BIBLE STUDY, Sundays at 10:00 AM
ACCESS (Special Needs Adults) This class is led by Kristin Hibbard and utilizes LifeWay’s Access Curriculum, Adult Christian Curriculum and Education for Special Needs Sunday School. Kristin also directs our Special Needs Adult Ministry. The class meets on the second floor of the Education Building with some members joining on ZOOM.