Sunday Morning Bible Study
Janie Miller, Director
Linda Melloy, Assistant
Every Sunday morning at 10 am.
Classes for everyone!
Family Life Center: Gym
PRESCHOOL I (Birth to 2 years old)
EB – 1st Floor – Bridget Morris (and volunteers)
PRESCHOOL II (3 years old – Pre-K)
EB – 1st Floor – Lisa Jo Rowan, Caroline Constant
CHILDREN I (Kindergarten – Grade 1
EB – 2nd Floor – Missy Speaks, Shirley Jones
CHILDREN II (Grades 2-3)
EB – 2nd Floor – Michelle King, Megan Roberts
EB – 2nd Floor – Janie Miller, Karen Boughton
EB – 2nd Floor – Kyle Melloy, Amy Allen
ACCESS (Special Needs Adults) This class is led by Kristin Hibbard and Addison Hibbard and utilizes LifeWay’s Access curriculum, Adult Christian Curriculum and Education for Special needs Sunday School. Currently, they are studying Mark’s Stories about Jesus’ Ministry. Kristin also directs our Special Needs Adult Ministry. The class meets on the second floor of the Education Building, in-person and via ZOOM.
College & Career
Sarah Kittinger and Adam Cart lead this class for young adults. The class is using LifeWay’s Explore the Bible curriculum which is currently exploring Acts 13-28. The class meets off the Commons Area (basement) in the Education Building.
C2C (Connect to Christ)
This class for adults of any age, single or married is led by Mike Cummins. The class is using LifeWay’s Explore the Bible curriculum which is currently exploring Acts 13-28. The class meets off the Commons Area (basement) in the Education Building.
Adult Cornerstone Class
This adult class is using LifeWay’s Explore the Bible curriculum which is currently exploring Acts 13-28. Chris Andrews teaches the class which meets off the Commons Area (basement) is in the Education Building.
Mixed Adults
This class was formed many years ago as a couples’ alternative to the separate men and women’s classes, hence the “mixed” in the title. The class is using LifeWay’s Explore the Bible curriculum which is currently exploring Acts 13-28. Tony Allen and Bill Corum serve this class as co-teachers. The class meets in the Conference Room, off the walking track in the Family Life Center.
Men’s Class
This class for men of all ages is led by Sam Melloy and Tim Haley. The class is using LifeWay’s Explore the Bible curriculum which is currently exploring Acts 13-28. The class meets in the Choir Room on the 1st floor of the Education Building.